1. Do you want your blanket to save you money, warm your pool and cut down chemical usage as well as eliminate water evaporation?
2. Do you what it to keep your pool warmer so that your pool can be just that bit more enjoyable
3. Is water evaporation a concern for you and you just want a blanket to be a good all-rounder
Bubbletech has been a house hold name for over 12 years. In celebration we are slashing our prices. In the past Bubbletech has gone through extensive business development and relaunch.
Bubbletech strives for the best quality and service within the industry. Bubbletech is proudly Australian owned and operated company with a local work force that specializes in plastic welding.
Bubbletech is a supplier of Plastipack Geobubble™ cover materials in Australia.
It is a new innovative and patented swimming pool bubble cover material created through research and development by Plastipack, that is scientifically designed to improve the lifespan of the material.
GeoBubble™ is specifically developed for use in swimming pools meaning the design has multiple benefits in comparison to traditional bubble material shapes.
For more information please go visit www.geobubble.co.uk